Everyone has a story to tell. Perhaps it is how your grandparents met, or your most embarrassing moment in school. Maybe you did some goofy thing when you were little but you’ve never told anyone – yet. Or you might still recall in vivid detail the day your dog died. Tender, funny, or heart wrenching, actual events or fiction, tales about fairies or ghosts, the recounting of events from the present day or legends of long ago – there are stories all around us.
Story2write has been an evolving project, begun many years ago. My purpose for the site has changed several times over the years and I’ve wrestled with how to shape it. During the last several years, caring for my mother as she struggled through the fog of Alzheimer’s, my personal writing has taken a back seat, but here you will see some of what I have observed about the people and life around me. You’ll find these stories posted under What’s the Story Blog.
Taking advice from many great writers, I’ve developed a passion for reading. I love children’s literature and have read lots of classics as well. Exposure to both captivating and lackluster books informs your own writing. The site contains a list of some of my favorites and I hope to update it soon.
In the meantime, enjoy the stories you find here, and be sure to live a great one of your own.